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Mommy's Not Okay & That's Okay: Momming & Mental Health

The Momma Cusses Podcast Episode 13

This week we speak with Crystal Hardstaff, The Gentle Counsellor about momming and mental health. Too often moms feel that we are unable to address our own mental health concerns for fear that we'll be shunned or shamed. Moms are supposed to be all things for all creatures and that's just not true. We are human, complete with flaws. We need to take care of ourselves to take care of our children. From addressing postpartum depression and anxiety to really nailing down a solid self-care routine, we owe it to ourselves to take care of our own needs as moms. For more about my guest, check out her social media and podcast. Instagram @thegentlecounsellor  Facebook - The Gentle Counsellor  The Gentle Counsellor Podcast

For more resources on mental health for moms, check out these links.

Mother's Mental Health from Florida State University

Better Help for accessible and affordable counseling services

7 Cups for a listening ear to let you vent and decompress as well as professional counseling services



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